7th International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology

Potsdam (near Berlin), Germany,
July 2-6, 2017

To all participants:
Access to the picture gallery and the list of participants wil be provided soon, watch your email...

Abstract book

PDF (6 MB)

Conference Chairs

Matthias Bickermann, IKZ Berlin, Germany

Chung-Wen Lan, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Peter G. Schunemann, BAE Systems, USA

Location & Accommodation

The workshop takes place in the conference area of the NOVOTEL Am Tiergarten, Berlin. All regular meals and drinks, coffee breaks, excursion/gala dinner, and the abstract book are included in the regular workshop fee, see Registration & Abstract Submission.

Participants are advised to accommodate in the workshop hotel in order to provide a familiar workshop atmosphere. The hotel offers a reduced price lodging (89 €/night for single, 104 €/night for double rooms) also for accompanying persons through this form, which has to be signed and scanned/faxed/sent by (e-)mail to the Hotel:
NOVOTEL Am Tiergarten
Strasse des 17 Juni 106-108
10623 Berlin, Germany
Email: H3649@accor.com
Phone: +49-30-60035-0 (att. Reservation)
Fax: +49-30-60035-666

Note that the remaining number of rooms at this rate is limited and only available until May 18, 2014!

Credit card details are necessary only to secure your booking. Please inform the hotel about your meal preferences and accompanying persons that want to join at luch or dinner time during the workshop. If you intend to prolong your stay, ask the hotel for appropriate rates.
Please contact the workshop chair if you have any further question.

Organizing committee
/ Conference Contact

Prof. Matthias Bickermann
Postal address: see below
Phone: +49 30 6392 3047

Exhibition & Sponsoring Contact

Dr. Maike Schröder
Postal address: see below
Phone: +49 30 6392 3008


Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung

Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ)

Max-Born-Str. 2
D-12489 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49 30 6392 3003

Generously supported by